Happy Reading my Friends
Here you will find books I have done reviews for. You may also find little snippets of my writing here also please don't hesitate to let me know what you think.
Happy Reading my Friends
Shi Po has tried to reach heaven, immortality which is the Taoist ideal she has devoted her life to it. But it has been denied to her. Two white barbarian women Joanna Crane and Lydia Smith had found immortality while she had not. When General Kang visits her home looking for a monk, who is no longer there he is upset. That she has housed him and, is under the impression that she kept him prisoner and forced a white woman on him. She knows that this monk is son and reveals this to him which makes him all the angrier. Her husband Kui Yu is no home at this time but has been sent for. General Kang is also highly irritated that Kui Yu is not there to receive him. Or arrives quickly after he does Kui Yu does not even show up before the General leaves. The General and his men leave the home in disarray looking for the Monk and the white woman to ensure he is not there before he leaves. When he does not find them he advises Shi Po that if he finds other wise she will pay for it. When Kui Yu arrives she explains all to him and that he also had her brother executed because of the feud with his son. Although the General said that he was executed for training rebels of the White Lotus Society. When Kui Yu he found her in meditation in her private room sitting in front of tools for her suicide. He talked her out of it, their dinner was quiet until Aunt Mei Ting arrived. In an uproar, because of the arrival of some of Shi Po’s girls coming to her aunts house in search of some refuge from the soldiers and now her aunt was upset and in fear that she herself would be arrested and wanted to know exactly what Shi Po was being visited by an upset general for. She explained to her aunt that she did not have what the General wanted nor did she know where he was. Her aunt told her to find it she told her Aunt there was no more danger because the monk and the white woman were both gone. But her Aunt thought differently and advised her to leave
Joanna Crane was tired of being her rich daddy’s showpiece and wanted to do something food for the people of
Jade gives us yet another amazing Tigress book in the Tigress Erotic Romance series. Zou Tun and Joanna Crane’s story is another hot and steamy tale and yet another perfect example of how Jade Lee is a exemplary writer. She never ceases to amaze as with this addition to the series each character she adds to the series adds new depth and new light to the series. Each book can stand alone but also interlocks with the other books. It is one that goes next to the others in the series on my keeper shelf.
Well I have decided that it is time that I think about getting ready to go to college. I am looking into different online colleges now. I want to major in Journalism, the problem is I have to make sure that it is the specific type of major that I am working with now. Writing with books like the reviews I do. Maybe working for magazines or something near that. So there is a update for you I don’t know when I will start maybe in a year or so. I have to get some things straightened out first. Then I will get all of this started, and I will everyone apprised of the situation too.
Aluve’ my friends