Morgan Howell continues Dar’s journey with the Orc’s in Clan daughter and holds your attention, as you would expect him too. Continuing where King’s Property left off Dar has survived by befriending the Orc’s and they have now escaped. She is now leading the Orcs to their homeland and is still battling with her visions that are coming to her more frequently now. She still doesn’t know what all the visions mean. Dar still looks to Kovok-mah to help her sort them out. But he as an Orc son still looks to her for guidance because in the orc relationship the Orcs are guided by the women or mothers as they call them. One thing she does know is that there are feelings she has that she should not be feeling, and they are shared by someone else. Once they are to the Orcs homeland some of the orc leaders refuse to accept her and her visions until she can procure their queen from the Kings Fortress. Zna-yat and a few of the others that she escaped from the original conscript with head to the fortress she hides in Zna-yat’s backpack and he keeps her in his tent with his brothers she at this time has been made his sister and a reborn orc so to speak. She does recognize a few of the women around and some of the soldiers and gets captured and gets one of the soldiers to have her taken to the main castle so she can cook for the Orc Queen herself. In doing this she can get close to the Queen and stop the poison from being put in the Queen’s food. When she does this she starts talking to the Queen and the she listens to Dar and they hatch a plan between the two of them to get her out of there and to her home not far away. Little does Dar know that Murdant Kol has heard that she is around in the castle and he is looking for her to get rid of her for good. When he attacks her she screams for her soldier Severn as she crawled in the darkness quickly to his quarters. After that is was no longer safe to have the Queen in the castle she and Sevren quickly got the queen out of the castle and to start her on her way home. The Kol and some of his men give chase but Severn and Dar quickly dispatch them. When the Orcs ask the Great Mother what she would like them to do she tells them to listen to Dargu’s wisdom. Morgan Howell continues to give us characters that are molded with depth and appeal. Morgan continues to show us how to people that are so different can still co-exist together and even possibly fall in love. This is definitely one for the keeper shelves.
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