Maledicte is dark rich tale about young love spurned that will not be torn asunder by anyone not even parents. A young man removed from the merchant’s relicts to be taken back to his father in the courts of Antyre Janus is torn away from his love and she is left for dead by the Earls kinsman. Once healed she makes her way towards her love but enters the wrong home coming face to face to the one that will help her and keep her secret for years to come, Baron Vornatti and his servant Gilly. Although when she enters she is dressed as a boy and carrying a black sword which she means to kill Lord Last with and reclaim his son Janus with. The only name she will give to them is Maledicte to help hide the fact that she is really a female, Baron Vornatti asks her reason for wanting to run Lord Last through she lets him know. He is truthful in letting her know that Lord Last is not at Lastrest and has gone off to another one of his homes for the winter to have his son trained in the ways of the court. Baron Vornatti strikes a deal with him to train him in what he needs to know to get the job done, seeing as how they have the same goals in mind in seeing Lasts demise as an eminent. Vornatti does find out that Maledicte is a girl but vows to keep it a secret by any means possible as long as the deal is kept to the letter. Vornatti does how ever revel in holding it over Maledictes’ head and never does find out the real name for the girl. Lane Robins did an excellent job of conveying the dark recesses of Maledictes mind and what a lover can go through when she or he loves someone so much she or he is willing to kill to keep them. Robins’ characters were intelligent and appealing showing zeal and zest for life. It was a most entertaining and passionate read that I won’t hesitate to pick up and read again and again, it is truly a keeper from a very gifted author.
Aluve' my friendsZollyanna
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