Friday, July 20, 2007
Aluve' my friends
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Don't forget !
Aluve' my friends
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Computer took a dive
Well about a week ago I went to upgrade one simple part of my system. Of course I let my hubby do it because I have no idea what I was doing my system is slowly but surely becoming a new system because of all the old parts I have been replacing lol. Well I replaced the CD rom with a DVD drive. Well that is were the fun began . My sweet little computer that has been my trusted companion for years now won’t power up. So we think it is the mother board and order a new tower case that has that in it. And when it arrived today I was so excited I was going to be able to be back at my desk instead of the extra computer … WRONG!!! .. no … it doesn’t see the hard drives now … what do we do now … well we decide that the slave drive can become the main drive i don’t care if I loose all my pics or what ever I just want my computer back. I will install and download what ever I just want it back asap. Within reason that is. He proceeds to start that work and nope that won’t even work we switch the old IDE cables out thinking maybe that will do the trick no not that either. *SIGH* he is frustrated .. he looks at me “baby i need to step back for a while and deal with it later” I understand I tell him.. yeah i have been without it since sun or was it sat time has gone by too long …. I am feeling like I won’t have it back But I know he will do everything he can to get it back as soon as he can. I tell him I don’t want him to frustrate his self over it especially after we have go home from work. Deal with it another time. So that is why it has taken me so long to post… Plus remembering passwords from a second computer we have at home lol… wish me all that everything comes out well and she is back up and running soon with out to much more that is needed to be bought… *fingers crossed*
Aluve’ my friends
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Night Owl Romance Magazine -NOR Magazine

Aluve' my friends
Don't Talk Back To Your Vampire

Broken Heart,
Michele Bardsley weaves a magical, suspenseful, steamy romance into the next segment of the Broken Heart books. She sheds light into Lorcan more letting us know just how intelligent he is and how romantic he can be. Michele doesn’t let us down and gives us another magical and wonderfully entertaining story. I will definitely read anything Michele Bardsley puts out about the Broken Heart clans.
Aluve' my friendsZollyanna